
13 Apr 2016

S-Drive App Now Offers Versioning Control

S-drive versioning

CyanGate is happy to announce the latest version of its App, S-Drive.  In S-Drive version 1.26, CyanGate added document versioning features.  The new document versioning features enable users to upload different versions of files, view the versioning history or the documents, and select and promote different versions.  S-Drive is secure and the best choice for case file management, file distribution (especially for large files) on Salesforce, document management and storage.s-drive

What is S-Drive?

S-Drive file management solution combines the managerial applications of with Amazon’s secure file storage services. It is an easy, secure and simple file management and distribution platform for Salesforce. S-Drive is available on AppExchange and S-Drive is Salesforce1 compatible. Users can seamlessly upload files and attachments of any size to Amazon S3 from their Salesforce accounts. Because all content becomes available globally on cloud storage, users can share files with customers and contacts without file size limitations and excessive storage costs. All storage is completely handled by Amazon S3 cloud storage system, which includes enterprise file storage, secure transmission and accessibility.

S-Drive strengthens Salesforce with Amazon S3 cloud storage. If you are looking for unlimited file storage which is secure and allows custom development, is for you. S-Drive is secure and the best choice for case file management, file distribution and large files on Salesforce. You can try S-Drive with no charge.